2020 OGCSA Annual Meeting Recap
The first OGCSA online Annual Meeting is in the books! There were a few technical difficulties but all in all everything went well. We were able to conduct association business and hear important industry updates from allied industry groups.
In addition to association business the results of the 2020 election were announced. Shane Hadwick of Orchard Hills Golf & Country Club was reelected to a second term as President. Roger Vandehey of Middlefield Golf Course was reelected to a second term as Vice President. Scott Moffenbeier of Bend Golf Club was elected to the Secretary/Treasurer. Also elected were new board members Superintendent Director Jason Dorn, Portland Golf Club and Affiliate Director Stan Presley, Wilbur Ellis Company. Newly elected Officers and Directors terms begin immediately following the Annual Meeting.
Shane Hadwick recognized retiring board members Rory Allison, Brant Hathorn, CGCS and Mark Willcut for their service to the OGCSA. In addition to the members business meeting industry presentations were given from the Golf Alliance of Oregon, GCSAA, Oregonians for Food & Shelter, Oregon Turfgrass Foundation and Oregon State University Turfgrass.
Oregon State University Turfgrass students Vince Romo, Scott Johnson and Alyssa Cain were recognized as the 2020 Oregon Turfgrass Foundation and OGCSA scholarship recipients. We are optimistic and hopeful that we will be able to recognize these individuals in person and host the traditional golf portion of the annual meeting on September 22nd at McMenamins Edgefield.