2024 OGCSA Annual Meeting Recap

At the OGCSA Annual Meeting on May 15, Scott Moffenbeier (Bend Golf Club) was unanimously re-elected to a second term as OGCSA Board President. Vice President Stephen Purdy (Willamette Valley Country Club) and Secretary Treasurer Jason Dorn (Portland Golf Club) were also re-elected to their positions.
During the meeting, Sean Watts (Simplot Turf & Horticulture) was elected to a 2-year term as Affiliate Director, and Caleb Smith (Eugene Country Club) was appointed to fill the open Assistant Superintendent Liaison position on the board.
The annual business meeting commenced with President Scott Moffenbeier delivering a comprehensive presidential report. He covered the state of the association and the board’s efforts, highlighting the Government Affairs Committee’s work on the City of Portland Gas Leaf Blower Phase-out Ordinance. Moffenbeier praised the committee for ensuring that the golf industry’s voice was heard regarding this critical issue.
Secretary/Treasurer Jason Dorn provided a positive financial report, noting that the association remains in a robust financial position thanks to strong membership support and industry partnerships. Dorn emphasized record-breaking funds raised through the Rounds 4 Research Auction, which bolster the scholarship program, the Oregon Turfgrass Foundation, and other OGCSA initiatives.
Vice President and Education Committee Chair Stephen Purdy recapped the educational offerings from 2023 and previewed upcoming events for 2024. In September, the OGCSA will partner with the Oregon Club Managers Association for a joint meeting to enhance industry relationships.
Government Affairs Committee Chair Josh Loy (Stewart Meadows Golf Course) delivered a detailed report on the committee’s work regarding the City of Portland Gas Leaf Blower ordinance. Loy also discussed other legislative issues impacting the golf industry and thanked members who provided testimony at the City Council meeting earlier this year.
Brian Koffler (Waverley Country Club) extended special thanks to the outgoing Affiliate Director, acknowledging his four years of dedicated service.
Brian Koffler delivered special thanks to Affiliate Director moving off the Board of Directors and thanked him for his 4 years of service.
Following the business meeting, the regular program continued with scholarship and award recognitions, along with industry updates from the Oregon Turfgrass Foundation, Oregon State University Turfgrass research, Oregon Golf Association, and the Oregon State University Foundation.

Superintendent Director Steven Beyer (Illahe Hills Country Club) honored four individuals with scholarships. In the fall of 2023, two PACE Course Scholarship were awarded to Luke Huntington (Widgi Creek) and Matthew Lawson (Oswego Lake Country Club). Both Luke and Matthew received full registrations to the OSU Turfgrass PACE Courses, working toward a Certificate in Turfgrass Management from Oregon State University.
Oregon State University senior Averi Hartford, daughter of Shan Hartford (Eagle Crest Resort) and Washington State University junior, Ellie Watts, daughter of Sean Watts (Simplot Turf & Horticulture) were each awarded with an OGCSA Legacy Scholarship.

Always an honor to recognize the hardworking assistant’s and superintendents in our association with the Assistant of the Year and Superintendent of the Year Award. Nominated by their peers, this year Roberto ‘Carlos’ Figueroa (Juniper GC) was named the Assistant Superintendent of the Year and Kyle Watt (Awbrey Glen GC) and Nolan Wenker, CGCS (Oswego Lake CC), were both named Superintendents of the Year.

We were delighted to have a cameo appearance from retired Superintendent Chris Gaughan, CGCS, to receive the 2024 Richard Malpass Distinguished Service Award. Gaughan’s tenure at Eugene Country Club spanned decades, and his mentorship of countless interns has made lasting contributions to the golf industry.

The final and very special part of the awards ceremony was the induction of Gordon Kiyokawa, CGCS (Royal Oaks CC), into the OGCSA Hall of Fame. Past President Brian Koffler presented Gordon with this prestigious recognition in honor of his 30+ years of contributions to the golf industry and the association. Gordon is a Past President of the OGCSA and was instrumental in transitioning the OGCSA Foundation into the Oregon Turfgrass Foundation (OTF) in 2009. He has served on the OTF Board for the entirety of its existence. During his tenure as a superintendent, Gordon has hosted numerous LPGA championship tournaments and has been an incredible mentor to countless future turfgrass professionals.

The Oregon State University themed educational program rounded out the morning of. We were excited to have Staci Simonich the Dean of the College of Agriculture from Oregon State University join us. We also were treated to always popular research updates from members of the Oregon State University Turfgrass team.

Special thanks to our host Superintendent, Jason Leonard, and the Corvallis Club for opening up their facility and golf course for our group. We appreciate the support and attendance from the OGCSA members. Once again, we thank everyone for attending and would like to recognize our sponsor, Heritage Professional Products, for their continued support.