2020 Central Oregon Crew Tournament Recap

Mother Nature was on our side for the 2020 Central Oregon Crew Tournament. After postponing the event for two weeks, we could not have been given a nicer day. Beautiful scenery, sunny and 80’s, smoke free air….doesn’t get much better.
In the 4-person team scramble, a gross score of 59 from Sunriver Resort’s Woodlands Golf Course is what it took to take home the trophy. Congratulations to Woodlands Crew members: David, Michael, Bill, and John on their victory. This winning team will join Emerald Valley GC and Willamette Valley CC teams in representing the OGCSA against WWGCSA in the PNW Crew Tournament later this Fall.

Thank you to our host Superintendent Jeremy Niederklein, Quail Run Golf Course, and our event sponsors for your continued support.