ODA Adopts Permanent Rules to Implement New Pesticide License Type and Enforcement Authority

ODA has adopted permanent rules to implement a new pesticide license type and enforcement authority (implement HB 4062 and 2031). These permanent rules are effective November 17, 2023. 

House Bill 4062 
As defined in HB 4062, the new “Noncommercial” license types will cover: individuals (except government employees) who apply restricted use pesticides (RUPs) on property they or their employer owns or leases for a purpose other than the production of an agricultural commodity or forest crop (examples: employees of golf courses, wood treatment facilities, wineries that fumigate wine barrels/corks, businesses that treat purchased agricultural commodities).

One benefit is that the employer of a Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator does not need to be licensed as a Commercial Pesticide Operator. This represents a cost savings on licensing fees and, potentially, insurance costs. 

Below are the resources on the ODA website.