Support Local Turfgrass Research ~ Please Consider Donating to 2022 Rounds 4 Research Auction

Message From Shane Hadwick, OGCSA Immediate Past President – March 2022
Friends of Turf,
The golf industry has remained strong throughout the Covid-19 pandemic the past 2 plus years, with rounds and memberships up locally and across the country. Turf managers are continually pushed to meet the ever-rising expectations of turf conditions from more consumers. Turf research is the driving force which turf managers rely on when it comes to meeting the expectations set at their facilities, and the agronomic advancements seen on courses over the years would not have been possible without our industry’s commitment to funding turf research.
The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), through its philanthropic arm, the GCSAA Foundation (formerly the Environmental Institute for Golf), will continue the Rounds 4 Research program this year on April 25th through May 1st. The GCSAA Foundation partners with over 50 regional GCSAA chapters during the auction to raise funds for turf research. The Oregon Golf Course Superintendents Association (OGCSA) works hand in hand with the Foundation to execute the program locally, with most of the funds raised distributed back to the chapter. The OGCSA is proud to then allocate these funds as part of their commitment to the research being conducted at Oregon State University. The OGCSA, alongside the Oregon Turfgrass Foundation (OTF) and the Oregon Golf Association (OGA), have supported the turf tech position at OSU for many years with a $50,000 annual donation. The information produced from research at OSU has proved a vital tool for our local turf managers.
We hope that you will consider supporting this program by donating a round at your facility. Last year brought in 33 donations from 27 different facilities, returning over $6,000 to the OGCSA for direct support of local turf research. Visit Donate a Round | GCSAA to make your donation online, preview auction items, and find additional information about the Rounds 4 Research program. If you donated last year, you will receive an email with you donation information already filled out. If you would like to make the same donation this year, simply indicate that on the form and submit. You can also donate by submitting the attached form. Please keep in mind that each facility has the right to apply any specific restrictions.
Shane Hadwick
OGCSA Immediate Past President
Learn more about where proceeds of your donations go? 2021 December Golf Course Magazine Article Proceeds from donated golf rounds a lifeline for turf program –