2023 OGCSA Annual Meeting Recap
The 2023 OGCSA Annual Meeting was a busy day with the members business meeting, award and scholarship recognition ceremonies, education from industry leaders, updates from Oregon State University, Oregon Turfgrass Foundation and the Oregon Golf Association……Oh, and 20 holes of golf on the Pub Course to round out the day. Whew! Writing this makes me tired.

OGCSA President Brian Koffler welcomed the group and kicked off the day with the members business meeting covering the Association’s year in review and the financial position of the OGCSA. The Association continues to be in a strong financial position with the continued support from the membership and strong support from our industry partners. The Rounds 4 Research Auction and Pest Management Webinar continue to provide an important source of revenue to sustain OGCSA programs and initiatives.
Education Committee Chair, Scott Moffenbeier reported on educational offering coming up later in the year with the Fall Meeting to take place at Black Butte Ranch on October 10th and the December Pest Management education will continue in the virtual format December 5,6,12,13, 2023.
Three Bylaw amendments were proposed and voted on the members; all were passed:
1. Vote 1 – Addition of Class EM (Equipment Manager) to membership.
2. Vote 2 – Allow for electronic ballot with paper ballot still available by request.
3. Vote 3 – Allow for electronic communication for meeting, bylaw, and articles amendment notices.
Elections followed, congratulations to our all our new officers and directors. Elected as president was Scott Moffenbeier, Bend Golf Club; Vice President is Stephen Purdy, Langdon Farms Golf Club, and Jason Dorn, Portland Golf Club as Secretary/Treasurer. Incumbent Directors Corey Beelke, Broken Top Club, Josh Loy, Stewart Meadows Golf Course, and Cameron Callaway were reelected to second terms as 2-year directors. Welcome newly elected directors John Ball, Eastmoreland/RedTail GC and Steven Beyer, Illahe Hills Country Club who were each elected to 2-year director terms on the OGCSA Board of Directors. They will join remaining Affiliate Director Stan Presley, Wilbur Ellis Company.
Thank you two our members that moved off the board; Past President Shane Hadwick, Orchard Hills Golf & Country Club retired after his 7 years of service. Ty Patton was recognized for his 4 years of service as a director on the board.

After the business meeting the “fun” part of the day was kicked off with Scott Moffenbeier recognizing OGCSA member Randy Shults, CGCS on his retirement after 39 years as superintendent at Tualatin Country Club and moving to Class AA Retired membership status. Congratulations Randy!

We were excited to once again honor four individuals with Scholarships. In the fall of 2022 two PACE Course Scholarship were awarded to Scott Holt assistant superintendent at Laurelwood Golf Course in Eugene, OR and Owen Johnson, crew member at Pronghorn Resort in Bend, Oregon. Both Scott and Owen received full registrations to the OSU Turfgrass PACE Courses working toward a Certificate in Turfgrass Management from Oregon State University.
High school Seniors, Grady Johnson son of Eric Johnson (Chambers Bay) and Brynne Hathorn daughter of Brant Hathorn, CGCS (Bandon Crossings Golf Course) each were awarded a Legacy Scholarship. In the fall Grady plans to attend Harvey Mudd College to purse a degree in Mathemetics and Brynne plans to attend Western Oregon University to purse a degree in Psychology.

Always an honor to recognize the hardworking Assistant’s and Superintendent’s in our association with the Assistant of the Year and Superintendent of the Year Award. Awards Committee Co-Chair Shane Hadwick presented Nate Ulrich, Assistant Superintendent at Columbia Edgewater Country Club and Kathy Hauff, Superintendent with the City of Portland at Rose City Golf Course as the deserving recipients of these awards. Double congratulations to Kathy on her retirement in a few weeks.

The final award recognition of the day was the presentation of the Richard Malpass Distinguished Service Award to Chuck Wolsborn, Owner/Operator and Superintendent at Gresham Golf Course. This award is presented to a person who has given exemplary service the member of the OGCSA and the turfgrass industry. Chuck embodies the spirt of this award with his many years of service to the association and the industry. Thank you, Chuck and Congratulations!

The meeting was rounded out with a fantastic leadership presentation from Pat Finlen longtime industry leader with Denehy Club Thinking Partners followed by industry updates from Oregon State University Turfgrass, Oregon Turfgrass Foundation and Oregon Golf Association.
Special thanks to our host Curt Morgan, Superintendent at McMenamins Edgefield Pub Course. Always welcoming and working hard on and off the course to make sure everything is just right for the event……especially green speeds.
We want to once again thank everyone for attending and recognize our presented by Partner Pacific Golf & Turf for their continued support.