Give to the Game you Love ~ Please Consider Donating to 2021 Rounds 4 Research Auction

It continually amazes me to see just how far the turf industry has come over the decades! From the mid-70’s when average green speeds were 6.5 feet to what we see on TV today is simply amazing. We continue to push the boundaries of what we can achieve at our properties every year. It might be for a regional qualifier, or perhaps a Member-Guest Invitational, but we continue push the limits to achieve perfection, as fleeting as it may be. Turf research has been the driving force behind most of these advancements, and without it, achieving what we have come to expect would not be possible.
Therefore, the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG), the philanthropic arm of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), established Rounds 4 Research. We will be continuing this fundraising effort this year, along with more than 50 other regional chapters of the GCSAA. The EIFG will work hand in hand with the Oregon Golf Course Superintendents Association (OGCSA) to execute the program, where the funds generated will be distributed back to support turf research locally. We all understand that golf can be a sanctuary for those seeking a safe place to recreate and experience all that Mother Nature has to offer. As the adage goes, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” and if 2020 was the lemon, the increased interest in golf was the lemonade. Now more than ever as we look to get back to our new sense of normalcy, these funds will be vital to sustain continued advancements in turf research.
The OGCSA, along with the Oregon Turfgrass Foundation (OTF) and the Oregon Golf Association (OGA) are committed to further advancements in turf research. We do this by supporting the turf tech research position at Oregon State University with a $50,000 annual donation. There is some amazing research being done there as the research team continues to grow. Support from Rounds 4 Research will ensure that we continue to see research done that will help us all to achieve our goals.
We hope that you will consider supporting this program by donating a round at your facility. Visit to make your donation online, preview auction items and find additional information about the Rounds 4 Research program. If you donated last year, you will receive an email with your donation information already filled out. If you would like to make that same donation this year, simply indicate that on the form and submit. You can also donate by submitting the attached form. Please keep in mind that each facility has the right to apply any specific restrictions they might deem appropriate.
This year’s scheduled auction will take place April 26th – May 2nd 2021. Last year we had 30 donations from 25 different facilities for a total of $6,994 coming back to the OGCSA to directly support turf research locally! With your help, we will have a record setting year and continue to fund turf research right here in Oregon. Thank you for your consideration, and cheers to a less socially distanced 2021.
Gabe Hughes
OGCSA Immediate Past President, GCSAA Class A & OTF Board Member