Reminder about changes to the GHIN Club
The USGA GHIN platform made changes for 2019 that affect how we invoice and activate our OGCSA GHIN Club members. What does this mean for you? We have inactivated all of the OGCSA GHIN Club members that have not yet renewed for 2019 as of 12/31/2018. If you are a member of the OGCSA GHIN Club you may activate you membership at anytime online Click Here. If you plan to travel to a sun-belt state and wish to maintain your USGA handicap index over the winter period then you will want to renew now. Reminder, those who have not yet renewed will not be able to post scores, and will not receive Handicap Index updates.
The OGCSA GHIN Club offers more than just a USGA handicap. By joining this club you receive a membership to the Oregon Golf Association (OGA) which is the region’s largest amateur golf association working toward promoting the benefits of the sport to golfers and non-golfers alike. Included with your OGA membership is a list of benefits in addition to the USGA handicap index. As an OGCSA member you have the opportunity to join at an industry rate of just $25.00.
New members to join CLICK HERE
Current members renew online CLICK HERE
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Call 503-344-6535 or email Alexis ( with any questions.