OGCSA Amendment of Bylaws Notice

The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) recently made it a requirement that all Affiliated Chapters add a “Class EM” membership category for Equipment Managers. In order to remain in compliance with the GCSAA Affiliation Agreement and maintain status as a chapter in good standing of the GCSAA, OGCSA must add the Class EM category to the OGCSA bylaws on or before December 31, 2023.

The OGCSA Board of Directors has approved the addition of the Class EM category to the Bylaws and pursuant to the current OGCSA Bylaws, the amendment will be presented for a vote to active eligible OGCSA members in attendance at the OGCSA Annual Business Meeting at McMenamins Edgefield on Thursday, May 25, 2023. OGCSA members in good standing with a classification of A, B, C, AA Life, and Affiliate in attendance at the Annual Meeting will be eligible to vote.

In addition to the vote to add the Class EM category, the OGCSA Board of Directors is presenting additional votes to amend a few Articles in the Bylaws to allow for an electronic voting ballot and electronic meeting communication. Voting by mail-in ballot and mailed communication will still be an option at the request of the eligible voting member.

We hope you will join us for the OGCSA Annual Meeting, and we appreciate your participation in the Bylaws amendment process.

Sincerely, 2022-23 OGCSA Board of Directors

Bylaws Amendment Vote:

  1. Addition of Equipment Manager Membership Category to bylaws as follows:

This change will affect the following Article II, MEMBERHIP, Section 2.3 Membership Classes.

Add the Membership Class EM – Equipment Manager. Equipment Manager: To qualify for Equipment Manager membership; an applicant shall be employed as an equipment manager, assistant equipment manager or mechanic/technician and shall have such rights of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office.

  1. Amend Bylaws to allow electronic voting as follows:

This change will affect the following Article II, MEMBERSHIP, 2.2 Voting by Mail-in Ballot. The existing languagereads:

“Voting members may exercise their vote through the use of a mail-in ballot.  A mail-in ballot may be exercised only by the person named in such a mail-in ballot, who must be a voting member in good standing of the OGCSA. Mail-in ballots may be utilized only to vote on amendments of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws and election of Officers and Directors.”

The new Article II, MEMBERSHIP, 2.2 would be referred to as Voting by Electronic Ballot or Mail-in Ballot andwould read:

“Voting members may exercise their vote through the use of electronic ballot or opt for a mail-in ballot by request.  Both electronic and mail-in ballot may be exercised only by the person named in such ballot, who must be a voting member in good standing of the OGCSA. Electronic ballots and Mail-in ballots may be utilized only to vote on amendments of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws and election of Officers and Directors.”.

  1. Amend Bylaws to allow communication by electronic means:

-This change will affect the following Article III, MEETINGS, 3.4 Notice of Meetings. The existing language reads:

“The OGCSA must notify all voting members of the place, date, and time of each annual and special meeting of members no fewer than ten (10) days before the meeting. Notice must be sent to the last recorded address of each member. Notice of an annual meeting must describe any matter or matters that must be approved by members. Notice of a special meeting must describe the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called.”          

The new Article III, MEETINGS, 3.4 Notice of Meetings would read:

“The OGCSA must notify all voting members of the place, date, and time of each annual and special meeting of members no fewer than ten (10) days before the meeting. Notice must be sent to the last recorded address or electronic address of each member. Notice of an annual meeting must describe any matter or matters that must be approved by members. Notice of a special meeting must describe the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called.”

-This change will affect the following Article VI, GENERAL PROVISIONS, 6.1 Amendment of Bylaws. The existing language reads:

“These Bylaws may be repealed or amended, or new Bylaws may be adopted at any meeting of the membership by majority vote, or by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors at any special or regular meeting of the Board, provided that a copy of any change shall be mailed to the last recorded address of each voting member at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.”

The new Article VI, GENERAL PROVISIONS, 6.1 Amendment of Bylaws would read:

“These Bylaws may be repealed or amended, or new Bylaws may be adopted at any meeting of the membership by majority vote, or by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors at any special or regular meeting of the Board, provided that a copy of any change shall be mailed or sent electronically to the last recorded address of each voting member at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.”

-This change will affect the following Article VI, GENERAL PROVISIONS, 6.2 Amendment of Articles of Incorporation. The existing language reads:

“The Articles of Incorporation of the OGCSA may be restated or amended, or new Articles may be adopted at any meeting of the membership by majority vote, or by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors at any special or regular meeting of the Board, provided that a copy of any change shall be mailed to the last recorded address of each voting member at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.”

The new Article VI, GENERAL PROVISIONS, 6.1 Amendment of Amendment of Articles of Incorporation would read:

“The Articles of Incorporation of the OGCSA may be restated or amended, or new Articles may be adopted at any meeting of the membership by majority vote, or by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors at any special or regular meeting of the Board, provided that a copy of any change shall be mailed or sent electronically to the last recorded address of each voting member at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.”

View OGCSA – Bylaws | OGCSA Golf Course Superintendents Association